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Friday, October 28, 2005

But I Don't Want to Wait THAT Long
by Charles Burke

Years ago I worked in a camera shop with a man named Sam who was constantly bemoaning his bad luck. He often talked about Mr. Dawson, a man in his seventies who was really lucky. Dawson owned buildings all over the western suburbs of Chicago.

One day when he mentioned Dawson, I commented, "Hey, Sam, you're only thirty-five now. Why don't you start buying buildings this year? By the time you're seventy-five you'll have become as rich as Dawson."

He glared at me and stated huffily, "But I don't want to wait THAT long."

It took me a while to figure it out: Sam didn't want to BECOME rich. He wanted to BE rich. No time delay, no learning, no work.

The last time I saw Sam, fifteen years later, he was fifty and still working in a camera shop for about the same pay. Still not wanting to wait.

The point here is obvious, so I won't belabor it.

However, if you have ambitions for greater wealth, here are 5 tips I've personally found useful.

1. Find somebody who's doing it

I'd never had much success until I met John, who said he'd lived in Japan for years and had made good money there.

After he returned to Japan, he phoned and invited me to come on over, too. "There's lots of work and the pay's terrific," he told me.

I didn't quite believe it would work for me, but I tried it anyway. And that was the start of a great new career - and leap in income.

I found success by following the example of somebody who was already succeeding.

2. Feel like you DESERVE success

If there's something inside you that feels you don't deserve good things, it'll try to sabotage you at the most unexpected times.

Old habits may pop back up to dilute your energies. Or you might start unintentionally alienating your most important employees, customers or suppliers.

There are a million ways to defeat yourself when you don't feel you deserve success.

How do you lock in a feeling of deserving?

Some people set aside a certain amount of time to devote to worthy causes. Others donate a tithe of their income to charity or church. Still others meditate on their oneness with their Creator.

The best approach for you will be the one that satisfies your own inner need for reassureance and a feeling of worth.

3. You're not ENTITLED to success

A common wrong turn is the attitude of entitlement.

Please understand, life does not OWE you or me anything.

It strews untold riches and joys at our feet, but it's up to us to recognize them, to reach down and pick them up.

Russell Conwell was famous for telling the story of a man who sold his farm and went off in search of diamonds. He traveled the world for decades without success.

But the man who bought that farm from him found one of the largest diamond deposits ever discovered on the African continent. The black sand in the stream running through his property was loaded with diamonds, and he became enormously wealthy.

The first man had sold his land for nearly nothing and walked away from the riches that life had literally strewn at his feet. True story, by the way.

4. Sometimes it's a grind

Most times, opportunities come in kit form. You ask life for a chance at becoming rich, and circumstances send you a problem or a puzzle.

You may notice that many other people have that same problem. Once you solve it for yourself, you can then make a very nice profit helping other people to quickly overcome the same difficulty.

Life has just given you a rich opportunity. It does that all the time, but mostly we don't notice because we're so busy griping about what a grind life is, what a raw deal we have.

5. Be thankful in advance

It's just as simple as managing well what you've already got. Appreciate and be thankful for the things you already have. Love the people who are already in your life.

Then, just to prime the pump, be thankful for even more than you have - for stuff you haven't received yet.

It is said that nature abhors a vacuum.

When you give thanks - real, soul-lifting, jubilant thanks -for things you don't have yet, nature rushes in to fill that vacuum.

It'll fill that void with all the things and qualities and people that are bubbling joyously in your heart and mind.

Of course, you can say, "Nah, it can't be that simple," lay this aside and surf on to the next site.

Or you can try these ideas.

If you do try, I believe you'll discover that life is EAGER to hand you more of what you want.

To summarize, you can simply:

1. Follow in the footsteps of somebody who's already successful. They can save you countless wrong turns.

2. Master those feelings that you don't deserve good things. Make sure your success benefits others even more than it does you.

3. Accept that life doesn't owe you anything - besides you're not yet recognizing all that it's offering you now.

4. Remember that some assembly may be required. Ask life for a cake and it may hand you flour, water, sugar and eggs.

5. Be thankful BEFORE you receive. After ordering a book from Amazon, you relax and believe it's on its way. Why not start trusting life as much as you trust Amazon?

Charles Burke is the author of Command More Luck, the book that shows you why all those things keep happening to you. Learn why "luck" doesn't work anything like the way you've always been told.

The bad news - there's no such thing as luck. The good news - there's something even better. Go to http://www.moreluck.com and learn how you can take command of what people call luck. Start today.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Position Position Position – The secret to success online.
By Quentin Brown

When you saw this heading you possibly thought of real estate or search engine placement.

While this is very applicable to these two systems I want to take you a little deeper into the concept of positioning yourself for success online.

Position is really a life skill with its own set of stratergies and skills.

Position: A place or location. A strategic area occupied by members of a force. An advantageous place or location. A point of view or attitude on a certain question. Sports. The area for which a particular player is responsible. The arrangement of the pieces or cards at any particular time in a game such as chess, checkers, or bridge.

Over the past seven years I have been involved in Internet Marketing. The first five as part time and the last two years full time. Many people asked how I made the graduation from part time to full time and the answer is always positioning.

The Concept of Positioning.

If you have played or watched sports at any time you will know that positioning is the key to winning or loosing. In football you need to be in position to accept the ball if you are going score.

The same applies to your life and business.

My basketball coach always told me that I needed to put all my effort to get into the right position and once I got there I could have a rest. I think you would know .... he lied. Once you get into position there is no rest as you then have to maintain that position.

Positioning is a skill that can be developed:

It is very important to do your homework because positioning is a skill that is developed by training and studying. It is not a haphazard occurance.

Last year I was looking at a new business I could start up online so I looked at what was growing and developing. In doing this I found that baby boomers are an economic force in the community and that they like gadgets, technology, investments because they are rapidly approaching retirement and health for a similar reason.

I also found that streaming audio was becoming something that people wanted to use on websites without the need for special servers, a lot of technical ability etc. In fact in my research it was the fastest growing multimedia tool people were looking for. So I went out and found a product I could develop to position myself in the middle of this growing market. Hence was born MP3 Sound Stream that allows anybody to add streaming audio to their website easily and simply.

Positioning for life.

I know that we are mainly talking about business in this article however if you do not also use positioning in your everyday life then it will not flow over into your business. Success is a mixture of both personal and business strategies and this is why so many people when they come into large sums of money loose it within five years and are back to where they started if not worse off.

They had not positioned themselves in life to handle the pressures and responsibility of there new found wealth. This is possibly why many people who start working for themselves also do not make much more than they did in their job. They never re-positioned themselves.


As I mentioned before positioning is a skill you can develop.

1.Find out what position you want or are capable of attaining.

One of my friends is a great sales person. He sells welders and turns over millions of dollars selling this equipment. A few years ago the company he worked for decided that it would be better for him to train a lot of other sales people so they could do even more.

It turned out that the company actually sold less with more sales people because the positioning of my friend to train people was not in his ability. The company actually went backwards so they repositioned him back into sales and re took the market lead again. His position was sales not training.

2.Take action and hold on.

In an instant society we are all looking for the quick fix however we all appreciate those who can maintain a solid position. I belong to an online MLM company and for 4 years nothing much happened however I knew that it was positioned for success. Today it is growing in leaps and bounds. Unfortunately some of my friends left a little too early and have missed out on the benefits of holding on. If you believe in what you are doing do not give up.

3.You don’t have to make millions to succeed online.

The concept of positioning is really all about strategies. Remember the old saying how do you eat an elephant. A bite at a time.

Positioning is the same. You do it a bit at a time. First you learn then you apply. Then you learn some more and then you apply what you have learnt. By being consistent you will see it start to pay off.

Finally let me tell you one last story. While I was writing this article my son was watching a documentary on the salmon in Canada that migrate up river to lay their eggs. Some of the scenes where they would jump up waterfalls bashing against the rocks to get to their final destination impressed me. The point is they would either make it or die trying.

Now there are people who are going to make out that becoming successful online is easy and both you and I know this is a lie. Just like the coach who told me I could rest once I got into position. The fact is it will take hard work and there will be casualties however if you are determined to succeed you will have a better chance of success.

Some people will just find this all too hard so my advice to you is take the easy road and don’t start.

Quentin Brown has been helping people add streaming media to their web sites for the past seven years and provides a wealth of knowledge and expertise for those who are technically challenged but want to make use of new technology without spending a fortune. http://www.myaudiosecrets.com

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Tuesday, October 25, 2005

By Kimberly Gordon

Are you Dressing as Successful as you wish to be?
Are you Dressing as Successful as You Are?

We read on websites everyday how the 'Dot Com' Millionaire became successful in his or her underwear...or pajamas.

This may be true to an extent, but come on, realistically they didn't spend their entire time in front of the computer in their underwear. I know because I make good money online and while I can get up in the morning and go to work in my pajamas with a cup of coffee, that's not "HOW" I became successful.

In order to be successful, you also have to feel successful. To feel successful you need to 'DRESS' Successful. Yes really!

You may be thinking...Why? No One is going to see me and how I look behind my computer. I can look like a slob and no one would be wiser. That's simply not true! You have to change that way of thinking because, If You are shabby, and the way you appear to yourself and others is shabby as well, Chances are Your Work is shabby, Or at least some might think it. To be successful you have to appear successful. If you feel good about yourself, you are going to take special care in your work online as well.

Dressing for Success. I learned the hard way by attempting to go out in the world with my opportunity and try to bring people aboard. I did everything right. My knowledge was right on, my pitch was great, I had the attention of my hearers. But did I make a sale? NO WAY! I was hurt and felt like a failure. What was it about me or my product that wasn't appealing enough?

Okay...time passed and I ran into an old friend. One who I had presented my opportunity to. They asked me how I was doing with my business? I gladly answered that I was doing well and how they should have joined me when I spoke to them before. Their reply just about knocked me out of the saddle!!!

This person said "I would have, but I didn't think you were as successful as you said you were!" I asked why not? She said "well, you just didn't look like you were. You were in your sweats and a t-shirt and although you looked casual and comfortable, you didn't look successful."

I thought, she has some nerve. How could she judge me by the way I dressed? For crying in a pizza pocket, I was at the store, I saw her AT THE STORE!! How does she expect me to dress just to go to the store? I just blew it off. It was her loss right?

WRONG! It was My LOSS, because she could have been a sale, an affiliate, a Joint Venture Partner or just a faithful customer who buys from me, or simply uses my tell a friend feature.

You and I know you make money. What if I had a friend who needed an income and I brought them to you to get them started? What if your house/office was a mess and you were in your sweats and I caught you off guard with this friend? Would you have a new client or Not? I'd say probably NOT!

I know you work in front of the computer during the 8-5 grind. You are a Professional Right? So why not DRESS like it?"

Kimberly focuses on helping Newbies
turn into Pros. For more information
you can visit the website and then choose
whether or not you're tired of being
a Newbie. http://newbies2pro.com

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